Runner-up finish for Identity in Valkenswaard
Published 14.09.2020
5star jumping and world-class performances were back at stage in Valkenswaard last week when Tops International Arena arranged three days of 2 & 5 star jumping referred to as the Global Champions Tour - Global Champions League of the Netherlands - Valkenswaard. An excellent opportunity for top riders to compete on top-level again since the Covid-19 impacted the sport.
Photo @sportfot for LGCT
Edwina brought her top mount Identity Vitseroel for the big 5* ranking class on Sunday, where the 12 yo mare speeded up for a very well deserved runner-up position with the best time in the field. Identity finished in unbelievable 62.13, with one unfortunate fence down in the second round. The winner, Marlon Módolo Zanotelli (BRA) and Icarus made it a double clear and stopped the clock in 64.29, almost 2 seconds behind Edwina and Identity. Jos Verlooy (BEL) finished third.